Sunday, September 26, 2010

Random Woohoos

Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but less interesting than looking”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Well, meat-mannequins, the other member of the firm has convinced me not to hang up my blogging hat.  Her feeling is that even if only a handful of people are reading this and the people who are reading this aren't the people who need to read it's doing me a lot of good just putting this stuff down.  And she is correct.  So send your complaints to  Woohoo!

In this episode, since my last blog ran on a bit, I'm going to just be doing a few quick jabs to the solar plexus of ignorance and misinformation and throwing a few uppercuts of speculation in there for good measure:

Concerning my repeated references to The Wizard of Oz:  The movie and the books, etc are thick, deep works that have a lot of allegorical and metaphorical references.  Dotty Gale's tale is, from one perspective, the tale of a shamanic journey.  A shaman being one who, through some sort of personal experience, finds they are able to "walk between the worlds."  Dorothy travels to Oz, a richer, more colorful world than our own mundane world and has adventures and meets entities like her guardian angel/spirit, Glinda, who can be argued to be Dottie's higher self.  Other strange personages are met, other entities that help guide and protect her as she travels through this strange land.  Many of the people in Oz are versions of people she knows in the "real world," as when you're traveling to Another World, you need to have that experience put into a frame of reference you can understand enough  in order to get something out of it.  Dorothy's "trip" through Oz is a classic tale of a shaman who goes to another place, just on the other side of the veil, and she experiences a truth at the end and confronts the Wizard of Oz, who is a god, and puts him in his place and secures the assistance of that god.  Also, the film version of Wizard of Oz is rife, according to those paranoid about the Freemasons/Illuminati conspiracy, with occult imagery.  Yeah, a wagon wheel is arguably a symbol of the sun, but trying to say Kansas is full of agents of the Shadow Government is a bit much...or is it?  Wizard of Oz is one of those works that is absotootly a case of something trying to tell us something or somebody.

Now shifting gears a bit:  Judaism ceased to exist in August 70 AD.  The Romans destroyed the temple at that time, thereby preventing Jews from sacrificing to Yahweh and performing all the rites involving the temple in their worship and obedience to Yahweh's will, thereby erasing the main point of their religious practice, which renders their religion null and void as they can no longer practice it.  To help put this in context, imagine if Muslims could not travel to Mecca at least once in their life, assuming they are physically  and financially able to do so.  So, banished from temple worship, the Jewish leaders and Rabbis created Judaism 2.0 which has as much to do with the Old Testament instructions on how to worship Yahweh as Windows has to do with Apple's OS.  You can still surf the internet and stuff with it, but the operating system is different and as the bible repeatedly says that Yahweh changeth not, the idea that Yahweh will be satisfied with the next best thing is just top-drawer silliness.  So there.

Speaking of silly religions:  Islam is the fakest religion this side of Scientology and Iglesia Maradoniana (the worship of still-living Argentine football player and former national team coach Diego Maradona).  Stop me if you've heard this one before:  Six centuries after the birth of Yeshua bar Joseph (who'll I get to in a minnit) This regular Abdul who we know today as Mohammad (Arabic for "don't take my photograph") goes around preaching that there were, as I touched on last episode, editorial mistakes in the Old Testament and Ishmael was actually the beloved son of Abraham and Yahweh's...I mean...Allah's chosen people are therefore the Arabs, not the Jews.  The Arabs liked this idea, and you know the rest.  There is actually a theory that Mohammad was instructed and subsidized by agents of the Catholic Church, those agents being an early version of what we would now call Jesuits, in the idea that that Arabs could be mobilized into a military force and then sent to Palestine to liberate the Holy Land from the Persian Occupation.  But then having created a monster, the Church was unable to control it.  A modern parallel is the US supporting Saddam Hussein against Iran, then having Saddam get too big for his britches.  But, Saddam Hussein, you're no Mohammad, are you?  Saddam, are you listening?  Of course not, because you're dead, matershagger.

Now on to Yeshua bar Joseph known more commonly as Jesus (pronounced Hay-Suess) of Nazareth:  More than a few scholars and astronomers are saying that Halley's Comet was the Star of Bethlehem.  Under the theory that the Star of Bethlehem was just not made up, as the Gospel of Matthew is considered one of the more trustworthy gospels although none of the gospels are from first-hand accounts of Jesus' life, but were written decades after.  One idea is based on the fact that the comet can appear and then disappear as viewed from earth when it comes close.  And it did come by the earth in 12 BC, about 12 years earlier than the traditional view of Jesus birth.  So it could have appeared before the Magi in the Persian world, they followed it, and then it appeared again in Palestine.  If this is true, then Jesus would have been actually in his mid-forties or even pushing fifty at the time of his death, which makes some sense in that he is repeatedly referred to as Rabbi in the gospels.  It is also recorded that he taught in the synagogues.  Here we see a picture of Jesus not as just a "carpenter," the actual wording in the gospels from the Greek means builder or artisan.  But the fact that Jesus is referred to as a Rabbi and taught in the synagogues infers that he was actually a Jewish Rabbi in his later life and you don't get called a Rabbi overnight.  Very interesting as this theory shows a man who was engaged in religious studies in the Jewish law and then...maybe...he figured out that we aren't fallen from the love of *G*O*D* but that for us to be Children of God, we must be God's Children and therefore we are also divine.  After that revelation, Jesus realized his and our own divinity and tried to teach people that "the Kingdom of Heaven is within you."  He was silenced within 3-3 1/2 years, by the Jewish religious establishment, the Gnostics were labeled as heretics and the Xian Church was built on the teachings of not Jesus, but some guy named Paul who never knew Jesus personally.  Think about it:  Jesus lived with 12 guys during his ministry who sponged up what he was saying, but the Church was built upon Paul's teachings?

Now for the big finale:  The eagle has been used by major World Empires as their animal totem long before Uhmurkah.  The Persians, the Babylonians, the Romans all used it (not to mention Napoleon and Teh Third Reich) and the eagle as a symbol of Zeus, an aspect of the supreme *G*O*D* was picked by the Founding Fathers as a symbol of the divine principle in terms of authority and power.  Despite the propaganda from the right-wing, the Founding Fathers were not fundamentalist Xians, but had Diest, Agnostic and even Atheist viewpoints between them.  Those godly-minded among the FF's recognized man as having the ability to Reason and realized this ability connected them with the divine principle.  Now...and yes, I do have a's an illustration by Benjamin Franklin:

The idea behind that crazy old hermit Ben's image is that if you picture the colonies as a snake, they cannot be separated but must be united, that if they are not united, it would be like a snake that had been chopped up to pieces.  Which is a dead snake.  Now lookit this:

Recognize this?  Yep, the Tea Party is using this flag as a symbol of their political views.  This flag comes again from the American Revolutionary period and is a warning to those who would seek to mess with the US.  What is very fascinating is that the Tea Party is of course a conservative Xian organization  and the snake in Xian theology is a symbol of evil and Ol' Scratch hisself.  Now consider that one of the Tea Party's big issues is illegal immigration from Central and South America, most notably Mexico, along with the increasing population of Hispanics in Uhmurkah in general.  Now take a look at the below image and see if you notice anything prophetic:

Don't see it?  Let me focus in on the center image of the flag of Mexico:

Heavens to Mergatroid!  It's an eagle killing a snake! 

Next blog we'll talk about cities and why they may be a very bad idea.


1 comment:

  1. I am so very glad that you have decided to keep on bloggin'. It's a lot like "keep on truckin'" only without the long beard and bare feet. (Google Image it).
